You are here:HomeFind a doctorSpecialtiesUpper Gastrointestinal and General Surgery Our ServicesOur Specialists The Department has expertise in Oncological Surgery of the Upper Gastroinstestinal Tract and advanced laparoscopic techniques. We also manage a large number of non malignant surgical conditions. Our Services These include: Oesophagogastric Oesophageal reflux surgery Hiatal hernia surgery Surgery for achalasia Surgery for oesophageal and gastric malignancy Oesophageal function testing – motility, manometry, ambulatory pH monitoring including BRAVO catheterless pH probe. Hepatopancreatic and Biliary Surgery Management of acute pancreatitis and its complications Surgery of benign and malignant tumors of the pancreas Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Laparoscopic exploration of the common bile duct Liver resection Resection of bile duct tumours. Pancreatic resection open / laparoscopic Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Gastric Band, Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, Redo Surgery Robotic Bariatric Surgery Endoscopy Panendoscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, oesophageal dilatation and stenting Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes, endoscopic management of GI haemorrhage. General Surgery (Includes advanced laparoscopic techniques where appropriate) splenectomy, staging of upper GI malignancy, adrenalectomy, division of adhesions, appendicectomy and hernia repair. Our Specialists Specialist Surname Tel Fax stvincentsclinic Telephone 02 8382 6482 Stvincentsclinic Fax 02 8382 6485 stvincentsclinic first name Douglas stvincentsclinic surname Fenton-Lee stvincentsclinic title Adjunct Professor A/Prof Douglas Fenton-Lee stvincentsclinic Telephone 02 9553 1120 Stvincentsclinic Fax 02 9553 7526 stvincentsclinic first name Michael stvincentsclinic surname Talbot stvincentsclinic title Professor A/Prof Michael Talbot stvincentsclinic Telephone 02 9553 1120 Stvincentsclinic Fax 02 9553 7526 stvincentsclinic first name Jennifer stvincentsclinic surname Matthei stvincentsclinic title Doctor Dr Jennifer Matthei stvincentsclinic Telephone 02 8382 6482 Stvincentsclinic Fax 02 8382 6485 stvincentsclinic first name Jorgen S. stvincentsclinic surname Ferguson stvincentsclinic title Doctor Dr Jorgen S. Ferguson stvincentsclinic Telephone 028382 6240 Stvincentsclinic Fax 028382 6241 stvincentsclinic first name Koroush stvincentsclinic surname Haghighi stvincentsclinic title Doctor Dr Koroush Haghighi stvincentsclinic Telephone 02 8382 6671 Stvincentsclinic Fax 02 8382 6672 stvincentsclinic first name Reginald Vincent stvincentsclinic surname Lord stvincentsclinic title Professor Prof Reginald Vincent Lord